August 8, 2008

Late night thoughts on elephants...

I've been remembering scenes with my sister Esther when we were teens:

The code words, said in a deeply despairing tone, "Today I feel like such a toad...,"

brought on the invariable answering response, "It could be worse..."

And so began the oneupmanship of slowly contriving progressively worse things that could have been or might have happened on such a "toady" day.

But it wasn't a guilt-laden experience of wallowing through all of the world's woes and trying to feel grateful that you are carrying your bucket of them rather than someone else's. It usually began that way, but it ended more like a lark -- a hilarious promenade down a doomsday road that only could be traveled by Murphy.

And the crowning statement that always sent us into gales of laughter: "It could be could have an elephant sitting on your head!"
(This MUST be said in all seriousness, with very matter-of-fact foreboding, for the desired effect.)

Somehow, once we got to the elephant, the game was up.

Who wouldn't feel better, knowing that she, once again, had escaped that blasted elephant? :)

[photo by Michael Graham Richard]


Trishelle said...

Hi Sarah!

Thank you so much for your posts on my blog the other day. They were so helpful and enlightening. I asked Christine about that game you use to play today and she giggled. You ladies are pretty amazing. I haven't met a single one of you that isn't totally and completely awesome! (By the way, I am neighbors with Joanna and Christine.)

I LOVE your blog. How are you liking Texas? It looks like you guys are having a blast!

sstar said...

Hilarious and theraputic. What a wonderful combination.

... Anyone know how to spell theraputic? :) Oh well - it could be worse...

Love that closing question Sarah - I feel better already. :)

Pemblemily said...

Hi Sarah! It is your cousin Emily! Esther told me about your blog a while ago and I finally checked it out. It was fun to see what you are up to. I have a blog too. It is