I usually work with Bilbo, the main family computer. But he has been hypnotized recently to only make available what is most useful to me (Wow! I just made my well-meaning husband sound like some Microsoft henchman!), and so I cannot reach my pictures without first petitioning Gandolf, the all-powerful machine in the office. I suppose I could ask Aragorn (but Ben's MacBook Pro is down for the night)...and Arwen, my pretty white iBook, is sleeping...I don't know if Anduril, the iPhone, would even listen to a call through the network from Bilbo...
So, long story short -- Gandolf says this is the sixth picture in the "not yet backed up" file in his stash.
It is Archer on Josh. He's a Chinese dwarf hamster. We also have Checker, an albino checkered garter snake, and Flare, a motley colored fancy mouse. WAIT! I know what you are thinking ----- BUT FLARE IS NOT FOOD! Plus, Checker is only about 8 inches long.
The children are pining for about three more fancy mice, but we decided three cages, and the fish tank for Checker's meals, is enough for now. (Maybe sometime I will film Checker chasing his minnows around his small bowl -- it's pretty amazing to watch him gulp down four of the little guys!)
Happy living!
Excellent. I love your computer names. The photo is great too. Cute litte mouse.
So I had no idea you even had any pets! Mice, a snake, a hamster and fish!? Sounds like so much fun for the kids. We've had fish for the past 6 months or so, and it's more work than I wanted, but fun to watch. Our boys would love to see pictures of your other resident fauna friends!
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