Ever play with a whirligig – the kind that is just a large button on a string? It seems deceptively simple: holding the string at both ends, twirl the button until the string is tightly wound, then pull the two ends taunt; modify the tension so the button will continue to spin in a way that appears almost independent.
The winding and pulling, the challenge of tension balance, striving to encourage and yet also guide independence . . . interlacing the very souls of those entrusted me . . . this is motherhood. And yet, I find joy not just in the success of the proper touch but in all of the wonders of the whims and whirligigs along the way.
(Hmm . . . must be late. I'm waxing melodramatic.)
What is a blog, if not the opportunity to wax melodramatic - or whatever else you'd like, at any time of the day. Blogs are as wonderful as they are because it is the one place you where you can say what you will and you have no obligation to please or impress - no one is forced to read, let alone, respond. If they are bored or don't like what you say, they don't have to read it - cause you'd never know. So I write what I will. And of course, no matter what I've said here, I try desperately to make it clever, funny and interesting. :) And if none of that made sense, it's late for me too. :)
Do you ever feel dizzy watching it go round and round? Sometimes I wonder if the kids look at life the same way, us spinning around on a string...
Sometimes my children can really keep me spinning . . . but not to any gain for any of us! 'Tis crazy!
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